Doncs si, 40....res a veure amb el número de la pàgina, tant de bó...
Of course 40, notihng about the number's page....I wish...
miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014
lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014
lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014
viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014
Cap al final..
Doncs si...ja resta poc, i a poc a poc cap al final...
Of course, rests only a little, and stpe by step to the end...
Of course, rests only a little, and stpe by step to the end...
miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014
Passat l'estiu...
Doncs ja hi tornem, una mica d'empenta i fins al final! we are now, just a little bit more and 'till the end.
Edor we are now, just a little bit more and 'till the end.
lunes, 30 de junio de 2014
Pàgina 58...
Si en tingués 48, ja faria dies que estaria, però aviat ho tenim....
If it was 48, i'ts been along time it will be finished, but we are goin' to get it soon....
If it was 48, i'ts been along time it will be finished, but we are goin' to get it soon....
martes, 3 de junio de 2014
Darrer tram...
Doncs ja entrem de cap a la recta final de la història, de seguit el desenllaç!
So...we go directly to the end of the history, the end is quite near!
So...we go directly to the end of the history, the end is quite near!
domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014
jueves, 3 de abril de 2014
Una mica més de Rèquiem per anar enllestint!
A litlle bit more of Rèquien just to finish!
A litlle bit more of Rèquien just to finish!
viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014
Una mica més...
Mica en mica ens acostem al final, paciència que de seguit enllestim...salut!
Step by step, we're going to the end, get patience the end is right now!
Step by step, we're going to the end, get patience the end is right now!
lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014
Aquesta pàgina ha estat realment difícil de treure...ha estat ben bé com un part...o un embaràs, sense haver-ne experimentat cap dins meu, semblava que no sortiria mai; des que la vaig començar fins a dia d'avui que la penjo han passat massa coses...una grip i un bon refredat entre elles....apa salut! i que no us enganxin els cap mena
This one it's benn very hard to end it, it's been like a born a child, ovbiously I don't know what's this, it feels impossible to end it; between the first and the last day since I upload it it's been happening too many things, I felt very ill, headache, grips, and anything else....keep away from virus, in all this ways...
This one it's benn very hard to end it, it's been like a born a child, ovbiously I don't know what's this, it feels impossible to end it; between the first and the last day since I upload it it's been happening too many things, I felt very ill, headache, grips, and anything else....keep away from virus, in all this ways...
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